Friday, November 10, 2006

Why My Day Sucks

1) Wake up after 5 hours of sleep to hear a ladder being hoisted onto my window and two workmen looking right at me. Scraping paint; spend an extra 30 minutes trying to calm (ie, drug) the cat with alternating applications of catnip and Rescue Remedy.

2) Stinky passengers between Duboce and Civic Center -- shouldn't a bathing requirement be enacted on MUNI?

3) Finally acquire a seat and rest my head against the window to steal a few minutes of extra slumber. Jostled awake by Crazy Ranting Woman who tells me that "I'm on the wrong highway...white people are going to lose the war." More bemused than pissed to bite her head off for disrupting my shut eye.

4) Stomach is killing me -- peptic acid is eating me alive.

1 comment:

Julie said...

You haven't heard the new Muni announcement yet? It comes right after the robot-guy says, "Please reserve front seats for seniors" and before the robot-lady says, "24th and Valencia." Samuel L. Jackson says, "Please wash your mother****en body before you get on the mother***en bus."