Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving Thanks

Another day of gorging on food that so many dare to dream of, the self-flagellating for going off the wagon on our diets, another American paradox of gluttony and excess. Yet a guest of my sister-in-law's mentioned this was her favorite holiday because it is about showing gratitude in the purest of terms, devoid of religion, cultural, or class bias. Why shouldn' t we give thanks everyday, not because some religious exiles from England landed on Plymoth Rock and supposedly feasted with the indigenous peoples, a story debunked as an urban legend.

As my strangest year is coming to an end, I realize that I am incredibly blessed. We all are blessed. For the air we breathe, the ground we walk on. When you get down to the mechanics of it, the human body is an amazing, self-regulating machine. And I should be grateful when I wake up and take a breath, even in a body that is a bit older, slower, or heavier.

In an odd way, this rollercoaster of 2007 has been a journey for me to discover my true self, away from the distractions of a relationship. I may be without a mate, but I'm certainly not alone. In addition to making new friends and reconnecting with old ones, I've re-discovered and enjoyed my own company, away from the agendas of others. It's given me renewed appreciation for my oldest friends and seek the company of those who nourish and nuture, rather than deplete me. I've learned that I still have a ways to go in learning to live for myself. Old habits die hard -- they took years to build, and will take years to undo. But the human spirit is dynamic, versatile, and capable of evolution at any age.

As I'm about to embark on a journey, I face the New Year with fear and excitement, both emotions built on energy, not depression or lethargy. I may be living alone in a new city for the first time in my life, and it's the opportunity of a lifetime, for me to continue development, to individuate, to explore. It's like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff and I can choose to either a) be pushed off, b) let it slowly erode over time and crumble, or c) take a swan dive and soar.

You chose "C" too, didn't you?